BQ 3D scanner ciclop
Designed free to grow without barriers

Easy to build and open to improve
Ciclop is a rotating 3D laser scanner triangulation. 2 uses the projection lasers onto the object to capture the geometry and texture of the object rotating on a turntable.
Ciclop has been designed for the assembly process. The kit includes all necessary parts and assembly guide step by step so it can be built in less than an hour.
Ciclop observed recreates Horus
The Horus is a multiplatform application software developed by BQ under the GPL. Through its interface you can calibrate the scanner, adjust the camera exposure or display point clouds obtained.
Horus interaction is done through three workbenches: Control the components (camera, laser, motor and LDR), the scanner Calibration and Scanning.
Calibration, our differential value

The heart of ciclop: electronic
The plate BQ ZUM Core, based ArduinoTM includes improvements and features over similar plates that make it the best option in the development of electronic projects. ZUM BQ Core is responsible for the execution of motor control firmware and lasers.
At its top is connected ZUM SCAN, one derived from Arduino CNC shield Shield.
A scanner for creative minds
Scan, edit and make it happen
- 450 x 330 x 230 mm
- 2.25 kg
- Scanning accuracy: 0.5 mm
Steps per revolution: 1600 max
Maximum weight capacity: 3 Kg
Scan time (configurable): 2-8 min
Volume scanning: (Ø) 250 x (H) 205 mm
- Scanning accuracy: 0.5 mm
- Logitech C270 HD
Power supply 12 V 1.5 A
Controller board: ZUM BT-328
Two linear lasers Class 1
Micro-USB cable
Power Plate: ZUM SCAN Shield
- Logitech C270 HD
Mechanical engineering
- Stepper motor Nema (1.7 to 1.8 deg / step)
Methacrylate based Ø200 x 8 mm
Threaded rods
Rectangular pattern methacrylate
Thrust ball bearing 16014
Slip surface Ø200 mm
PLA printed pieces
- Stepper motor Nema (1.7 to 1.8 deg / step)
- Horus 100% free software
Output files: ply
Control firmware gcodes
Complete solution platform: Linux, Windows, Mac (soon)
- Horus 100% free software
- Controller board: USB and Bluetooth
Camera: USB
- Controller board: USB and Bluetooth
- Mounting rails
- Mounting rails